Honorary Members


Matgo Law is a native of Hong Kong with his parents migrated there from Guangdong Province, the Mainland China. He loves dogs and animals since childhood however it was legibly not possible to have a dog in downtown environment of Hong Kong. He started with a dog in the mid-sixties of the last century when his family moved to outskirts of the city. He later on involved in preservation of a Chinese breed Shar Pei originated from his parents’ home county, and maintained a small breeding kennel under the ‘DOWN-HOMES’ prefix. He had introduced Shar Pei to the western dog world in early 1970’s, and the breed is well established in all purebred dogs loving countries over the world nowadays.

Matgo’s first judging assignment was in July 1979. He was invited to judge the 2nd National Chinese Shar Pei Specialty Show of the Chinese Shar Pei Club of America Inc. in Southern California. He was again invited to visit United States to officiate Shar Pei Specialties several times in the States of Arizona and Greater Detroit in 1990’s, and to Denver Colorado 2009. His latest visit to America was in February 2017. A second invitation of the Arizona Chinese Shar Pei Club of Phoenix. Matgo has as well judged Shar Pei specialty shows in England, Slovenia, Greece, Denmark, Germany, Italy, and France. He also judged FCI All breed Shows in Hong Kong, Philippines, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, Tatarstan, Russia and Italy.

He judged open shows in many cities in Mainland China when purebred dogs became popular among families in the last century, including cities of Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Kunming, Shenzhen and Macau. With the establishment of China Kennel Union in 2006, Matgo was invited to more opportunities to judge the FCI All breed Shows in the Mainland, namely the Capital City of Beijing, Hangzhou, Jiangsu, Weifang, Taizhou, Zhongshan, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, Haining, Tianjin, Namjing and Chongqing.

Matgo had served as secretary and show committee of the local kennel clubs for over 40 years and stewarded local dog shows. He is specially interested in and studied rare breeds of dogs, and gives lectures of purebred dog matters in Hong Kong and overseas.

Matgo Law was licensed by China Kennel Union and is invited to the judging panel of the World Dog Show Shanghai 2019. He surely has the great pleasure to be a member of the CKU family.

Je rodákom z Hongkongu, jeho rodičia sa tam presťahovali z provincie Kuang-tung v Číne. Už od detstva miluje psy a zvieratá, ale v rušnom prostredí Hongkongu nebolo možné mať psa. S prvým psom začal v polovici 60. rokov minulého storočia, keď sa jeho rodina presťahovala na okraj mesta. Neskôr sa začal zaujímať o záchranu plemena shar pei, ktorá má svoje korene v rodnom okrese jeho rodičov.

Názov jeho chovateľskej stanice je “DOWN-HOMES”.

Na začiatku 70. rokov minulého storočia predstavil šar-peja západnému svetu a dnes je toto plemeno  dobre etablované  vo všetkých krajinách.

Matgovou prvou výstavou, ktorú posudzoval  v júli 1979 bola výstava v USA. Bol pozvaný ako rozhodca na 2. národnú špeciálnu výstavu čínskych šar-pejov organizovanú Klubom chovateľov čínskych šar-pejov v Amerike, v južnej Kalifornii.

Neskôr bol viackrát pozvaný do Spojených štátov, aby rozhodoval na špeciálnych výstavách šar-pejov v Arizone, Detroite a v roku 2009 v Denveri v Colorade. Jeho posledná návšteva Ameriky bola v februári 2017, keď bol opäť pozvaný na špeciálnu výstavu v Phoenixe v Arizone.

Matgo posudzoval tiež na špeciálnych výstavách šar-pejov v Anglicku, Slovinsku, Grécku, Dánsku, Nemecku, Taliansku a Francúzsku. Okrem toho rozhodoval aj na medzinárodných výstavách FCI v Hongkongu, na Filipínach, v Indii, Thajsku, Malajzii, Indonézii, na Taiwane, v Singapure, Japonsku, Austrálii, Novom Zélande, Estónsku, Tatársku, Rusku a Taliansku.

Keď sa v minulom storočí čistokrvné psy stali populárne aj v Číne, Matgo posudzoval aj na verejných výstavách v mnohých čínskych mestách, vrátane Pekingu, Kuang-čou, Wu-chanu, Čcheng-tu, Kchun-mingu, Šen-čenu a Macau.

Od roku 2006, Matgo pôsobil ako sekretár a člen organizačného výboru regionálnych výstav počas viac ako 40 rokov. Zvlášť sa zaujíma o a študuje vzácne plemená psov a prednáša o témach týkajúcich sa čistokrvných psov v Hongkongu aj v zahraničí.

Matgo Law bol vybraný CKU na posudzovanie Svetovej výstavy psov v Šanghaji v roku 2019. S veľkým potešením sa stal členom CKU.


Mirjana Buhovac Rozman

My name is Mirjana Buhovac Rozman. Many people know me with my nick name »mama pei«.

My son Dejan Buhovac and my husband Lovrenc Rozman are »guilty« of the fact that dogs have entered my life.

Since 1992 we live with shar peis. We started breeding in 1994. It was precisely these days that we had to make a difficult decision to stop breeding in our Golding kennel.

In the years when we were very active on the dog shows, we also achieved very good successes.

Golding kennel is very proud of the long journey. From our home to 27 countries around the world live many puppies. We are proud of world champions, vice world champions, European and American champions born in our home.

I’m particularly pleased that the team of lovers of the shar pei breed has invited me as a representative of the Slovenian shar pei club, to join the establishment of the European federation shar pei clubs.

I’m very glad that I had the opportunity to attend the first General Assembly of the EFSPC. I wish and I hope that more and more clubs and individuals will join EFSPC and that with work all together, love and care for the breed, they will contribute to the exclusivity of the federation for the shar pei breed, which is so great for all of us.

Golding kennel has last litter on end of November 2022, and this one is probably last one in our kennel. One year ago after I lost my dear husband Lovro, I stop with activity, because is hard time for me.

At the moment I can’t be active , I just want to be person who enjoy to visit my dear friends, to visit dog shows like a visitor, and really want to enjoy my retired days. Of course I stay president of Shar pei club Slovenia, unfortunately we became club with small number of members, but we will do everything to survive. On 4-6.October 2024 is European dog show in Celje, Slovenia. Our club will organised specialty show on the same day when is II. FCI group. So, on year 2024 Golding kennel celebrated 30 year from first litter, and Shar pei club Slovenia 20 years of established.

I would like to say, that I am very grateful, that Shar pei club Slovenia was first one in Europe who invite mr Matgo Law, to visit our country, at year 2006. Two years later Matgo Law was judge in Specialty show Varpolje 2008. That make me and club members very happy and proud, that have possibility to meet Matgo and his wife Harine 17 years ago, to their first visit Europe. Im happy that so many clubs around the Europe and world invite Matgo for judging our beloved breed . We all are happy to have chance to meet him and hear and learn from him about breed who make us one big family.

Love you all shar pei friends!

Your Mirjana Buhovac Rozman aka “mama pei”

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