Treasure of Dali Shar Pei

Health, temper and longevity are our main goals in breeding this unique breed. Our dogs come from the country of origin, China and they are family members. Results of all health tests are available upon request just as stud dog services.

Du Bouquet Impérial

Valerie Lorent kennel

Du Bouquet imperial is a french kennel. All our dogs are breed with love, passion and respect.
We love Shar Pei above all and we give everyday the best of us for this fabulous breed.
« Peace, love and Shar Pei »

I Guardian Di Huang Di

I Guardian Di Huang Di

We use the most important European and USA bloodlines to help improving the breed health. Come and visit our website.

Magic Sonet

Let me invite you to visit our kennel Magic Sonet. Our dogs are members of our family. I hope you enjoy our website. Welcome!